Our IMBA car lol. Nice but unfirm lol. Say cheese!
It was a long long camp! Long, but fun. Not only does the camp teach us about developing leadership skills, it also creates fun to the participants. The games involve strategy, creativity, patience, team work and other qualities we should possess.
Day 1: We had some ice breakers and introduction of our group. Leadership profiling concerns about my personality, which is ENTJ. (Extrovert, iNtuition, Thinking, Judging--->Scholars type lol) Then the exciting and frightening murder mayhem... We had to find clues for the murder and discover who's the murderer at the victim's birthday party. We had to play 5 games and complete it in order to get the code to unlock the clue box. After we had finished our 3rd game, my group was having difficulties with the LOCK and not the code lol. I was so bored in waiting for them and i went to play with the other box. I try to break the code with no help and guess what, i managed to unlock it in 1 min! LOL! Oh ya... The mattresses in the hostel was quite filled with bugs without any bedsheets cover. Luckily, i brought my own. =) However, their shower was tremendously clean. Considered to my previous schools, this shower room was the cleanest room i ever seen in my whole life lol.
Day 2: Then it was Vroom Factor! The building of the cars,strategic, timing and selling bla bla bla, and the Blood Island Campaign, the interesting and fun board game and the Candle War! The Candle War was the best game of the day but it was stopped in the middle of the game due to some unpleasant experience during the game.
Day 3: We have yet to rehearse our "Bash Night" performance and we went to play our station games. Well, although we didnt well enough, at least we persisted and our best was the CHICKEN's captain ball LOL! poor chicken... All the lungs flew out... After playing the station games, there's a gathering for debrief and Marc took a dozen eggs out for 2 groups' forfeit. He smashed the eggs on each of the group member's head including the facilitators of the group lol. Well, there's retribution. XD Marc was demanded by the students and even the teachers to smash the egg on the forehead with Dhilshad. Poor Dhilshad lol. Then it's the "Bash Night". Compared to the past few days, the food was heaven and the drinks were like holy water to us. Funny performance are performed on the stage by all the groups, including the Facis. It was truly truly hilarious. "WHY YOU SO LIKE THAT? WHY YOU SO LIKE THAT?"
Day4: The last day. The day when all of us are reluctant to go back home. The camp was truly fun and the day began with lectures and lessons on developing leadership skills and strategies. Then, there's the forum theatre. Regarding the problems shown by the drama acted by the Facis, i wrote 2 pages of solutions but i dared not go up and stop them cos my acting skills totally suck lol. Then the last event of the day, the ribbon ceremony. It was when everyone of us starts to get emo. It's like SC's and CT council's investiture, when most of the people cried when the Facis handed the ribbons "Who i am makes a difference" over. We had 2 ribbons. 1 for us to keep, the other to pass it on to the other person who i feels makes a difference to me. And i gave it to Marc, my facilitator and also my senior. Well, he's a great leader you know. I had learnt lots from him during the camp and the group debriefs. His advice and information brought us far beyond our limits and reminding us of what we must pay attention on during the games.
He's the only one in my life who influenced me in wanting to become a good leader. His speech, his encouragement and his leadership skills can be said to surpass many great leaders in the world. Once again, i would like to thank Marc Oliver Van Hyzhen for all you have done for us.
IMBA was my group. Group 9, Alphabet I. I love my group alot. Well, we had team cooperation and usually sharing our ideas between the group. IMBA was enthusiastic in things and includes many people who dare to take the initiative and step up to lead the group during the games. Although we might not perform well during the games, our teamwork and team bonds can be said to be number 1! WE R IMBA WE R HOT AND WE CANT BE STOPPED!
Today is the day when Pakin returns back to Thailand. 6 of us (S52) could not make it due to CLIC camp. Thus, we called him during lunch and we took turns in talking to him and wish him good bye. Good bye Pakin! You must remember S52s and you are welcomed to come back and visit us again.
PS: I will miss you all, Pakin and IMBAs, and also all the other CLIC groups A-K!
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