Friday, December 18, 2009
End of Slack Period>Ytd was the first day I start to teach the new batch of trainees. Lol. Cant get used to being called "Sergeannntttt..." But it feels good to order them around now. Haha... Also played with the trainees today. Quite fun though lectures are boring.
Celebrated both David and Cindy's bday at the same day. Haha. Happy Birthday to you all!! May your wish come true...
Animes being published this week -
1) Nyan Koi! 12
2) Naruto Shippuden 140
3) Fairy Tail 10
4) Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 36
5) One Piece 431 (Sunday)
6) Katekyo Hitman Reborn 164 (Saturday)
7) Shugo Chara Party 12 (Saturday)
Haiz... Suddenly feel like learning a lot of things... Tennis, Kendo, Driving, Wushu, Drums, Archery etc etc...
Saturday, December 12, 2009
New post on e end of the year?>Lol. How long has it been since my last post? Think nobody will realise this blog is revived ba. But nevermind. I shall treat this as my personal diary until someone discovers again one day. Haha..
Hating Army Life now for all sorts of reasons. Boring dull yet lots of responsibilities. Putting our future at stakes where 1 simple mistake can ruin our plans to excel in uni. I wonder how e rest of my friends live.
Well, think my otaku habit has been getting worse and worse ba. Bought 100 books in just 2 months. Lol. Can believe it ma? Haha... Think somebody will scold me siao ba. But i dun mind. Feels dam shhhhhiok sia. Haha.. Who cares about the money? Got backpay liao. $1.5k =D.
Animes that i am watching now:
- Naruto Shippuden
- Katekyo Hitman Reborn
- One Piece
- Fairy Tail
- Nyan Koi
- Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu: Purezza
- Shugo Chara (cute lol)
- Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
- Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
This are all i can think of right now lol... =D
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Stagnant for awhile...>Currently preparing for Prelims..... Please wait for 3 weeks? Or maybe until 18 november when A lvls end. =)
Friday, August 15, 2008
Joke Post>Haha. I was introduced to see this joker thread. Was super sarcastic and funny. Haha...
Dun work, Avoid Telling the truth, Be Hated, Love someone. =)
Sunday, August 10, 2008
15 days to Prelims.>Firstly i would like to wish Singapore Happy Belated and to wish all SG olympics athletes good luck.
Well, although i haf 5 days of school holidays due to National Day, these 5 days can also represent 5 days of mugging inclusive of rest, slack, and play.
Studying was my main activity for e whole month now it's 15 more days to prelims. Studied during Nat Day Eve in TP Library. Studied during Nat Day at PP KFC (unproductive). Studied during Nat Day Post at home (unproductive too due to watching movie and tv) =P. Think probably spending my whole day at home mugging tml again. Haiz. The torturing days of mugging.
Talk abt happy stuffs ba. Ytd i went to arcade for 15mins ytd after arcade and guess how much i spent. $5 for 15 mins. Pa Qio sia. $5 leh. Might shall go LAN can play 2 hrs plus. Go movie oso 2hrs plus. Lol. Today went to watch Money No Enuff 2. Super funny at most scenes though climax tt tym super sad. Like e mother so wei da. Haiz. Ah Ong, Ah Hui, Ah Keong... Noticed that the ERP gantries are named EPR at e beginning lol.
Then when i reached home and doing hw tt tym, discovered sth random. Think i became fat now i dun haf trg and PE. Super sad la. Now my spare tyre came out le. =( Should go play bball and run often. Anybody realising their abs gone? Haha.
Finally gt the courage on nat eve. haha. Due to tt, i gt decorations for National Day and prepared for e celebrations. =) Lol.
PS: Eug, Tk, Yh u all ps-ed me and jq. goooooood.... Haha. Jking...
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Last day of week 5>Hao Jiu mei lai le. For some reasons, i wondered how my friends will respond if i blogged in Chinese. Lol.
Nth rly happen during the first 4 days, except went to watch Dark Knight on Tuesday with Jason, Ian, Jianz, Cindy, Betty, Crystal and Huizhen. Went Grand Cathay to watch. Intended to study while waiting for our show to start but end up eating at the basement lol. Dark Knight was superb. I would rate it to be 5 stars. It really beats Iron Man. 2.5 hours for $6 is really worth it. Really Really worth it. Much more worth than playing LAN.
Friday was a half day, though it's just an hour early for me. Played bBall for PE. Then played Tennis. It was so hard to even return the ball. Haha. Then went back to play Bball den ZY and Jason were so irritating. lol. Then end up getting late for Physics and no time for shower. After school ended, there's GPR. Yes, GPR! lol. Doing compre can be fun without AQ and we haf a new member to our GPR group. Guess who? It's DA GE! Haha.
After GPR, went movie wif JZ and SF. Went Cineleisure to watch X-files and we smuggled BK inside. (JZ suggested it though) XP It's quite thrilling at some parts. Dun quite like e start and the ending. Dunno whether the small boy survive or not. Lol.
Saturday, COLLEGE DAY! I REGRETTED NOT BUYING AN MC ON THAT DAY! WASTED SO MUCH OF MY TIME! Lol. But e only thing i like is Marc's speech. He's been my idol since CLIC Camp 2007. I bet that he will be one of our ministers in the future.
Today, spent my whole day doing tutorials and econs essay outlines. Realised i already did 6 essays for Mrs Lee to mark lol. So i stop for awhile. Studied 1 chapter of Chem den end my day by blogging now. =)
I hope it will be a better and fruitful week tml onwards and my mugging mode will be triggered.
PS: May, Maybel, Maybelline was quite funny lol. If u dunno who dey r, dey r SF's IM friends. =D
Friday, July 18, 2008
Mugging Period Begin.>5 more weeks to prelim. Well, just read through complex 3 and i got headache when doing tutorials. Only know how to do qn 1 and 3 and e assignment qns. Gave up on e rest. Thought i should haf e rest for today after finishing complex 2 and radioactivity. Haiz... Guess had to start studying now as prelim will start soon, real soon.
Dunno why, i felt so empty inside and there was many complicated feelings inside me after watching my 9pm tv show. Suddenly, my body felt heavy and could no longer concentrate on my homework. Haiz. I think i experienced it before. A great burden in my heart.
Well, think e complicated thoughts will be gone tml morn (i hope) or it will affect my mood for e whole period. =( Dunno why i suddenly so E M O. Haiz. Maybe cos prelims are near or maybe cos of ............
Monday, July 7, 2008
Wushu JTS!>In case u dunno or not from VJC, JTS is Juniors Treat Seniors, a tradition in VJC every year as shown.
Had JTS at PP Jack's Place. The food was like so costly. The left side of the table vry nice lol (i inside too). We ordered student meal only. $9.50. SY and JR that table waaa... So ex lol. Shd haf ordered e lobster meal $38. XP Haha.
Before that, i went to buy present for CHOO ZHONG YANG. Bought liao saw joanne and julia on the way den i went to buy Comics den i slack outside Esprit until they called me to go in Jack's Place. Haha.
After JTS, we went to take photos (as usual) and went ARCADE! I played e aircraft again. Super nice la! And spent quite a lot on air hockey. The arcade cheat my money la. I topped up $10 hor. I go play. Then i topped up another $10, i cant upgrade to POWER CARD! It said $20 accumulation wad. Then the stupid cashier say nid $11 more. Wth. Cheat my money.
After arcade, went Pool-ing. 2 tables for an hour den we go home. Just reached home lol. Lazy to do my homework. Never touched a single hw over e long weekends. Die liao.
PS: Tml is MISS WONG's BIRTHDAY! And rmb ur thermometer tml!! =D
Sunday, July 6, 2008
LAN-ng --> Fate to know JY>Ytd Eug, TK, Yh came my hse play mahjong in e morning. Nobody was punctual and Tze Kai was the latest as usual. =D he late by 2 hrs sia. Played till 2pm den left for AMK Hub to eat Fried Carrot Cake den go PS to LAN and Arcade. I think the airplane shooting in e arcade quite cool sia though i died lots of times lol.
Then after that at 630pm, we went to eat at Kopitiam. Saw TK's GF! LOL. At first went swensens see den like no fate. Then going up KOpitiam tt tym someone tapped on TK. Yh told me it's her lol. Fate sia, TK. Haha.
Today spent my whole day playing PS2 lol. Something happened today. Haha. XD
Tml is JTS by Wushu! YAY! Then after tt i dunno class gg out or not. Lol. If nt gg out i go home do hw lol.
PS: 8 weeks to prelims...
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Survived The Last Battle!>The Last Subject was Chemistry. Paper 1 was quite okay. Exclusive of paper 2 think can get C ba. Inititally thought i gg to finish at 4pm. Then when the invigilator say 5 mins left then i realised still got MCQ qns. Sian. MCQ Qns in front of me. 1st Qn dun understand. Q2-10 all can do. Think for quite long. When i finished qn 10, i stiu left 25mins wif 20 qns. Die liao la. The rest all i tikam liao lol. Kenna Owned by Paper 2. So think overall i should be can pass ba lol.
After Chem, (finally) went to PS instead of Ian's house lol. Eat at one Asia thing. Quite worth it actually. Free flow of ice cream and drinks. I bought a double set meal cos i decided to give myself JIANG LI. (encouragement). =D Got 14 ppl came. Haha. Then went to Cathay to play Heart Attack. Play halfway then change to "Order of Pigs" haha. Play until super ki siao lol. I didnt lose at all =)
Waa.. Tomorrow no need go school so shuang sia. Can sleep late wake up late. Shiok!
But i wanna go out and play. Haiz. Will start studying again after 09/7. XD Anybody wan mahjong, Bball, Arcade, Movie, Pool, LAN, boardgaming, etc? Haha.